
2nd International e-Conference
Learn Inn Ε.Κ.Π.Α.



FRIDAY 11/6/2021

17:30 Greetings – Prof.  M – A. Dimopoulos, , Rector of NKUA and Prof. Nikolaos Voulgaris, Vice Rector of Research and Lifelong Learning

17:45 Welcome Speech – Marios Koukounaras Liagkis, Associate Professor NKUA, Scientific Supervisor Learn Inn EKPA

18:00 – 20:00 Keynote Speeches

18:00- 19:00 Keynote Speech/Discussion “The Future of Education in the Post-Covid Era: New Learning and Digital Technologies”, Mary Kalantzis Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis & Bill Cope, professors in the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

19:00 – 20:00 Keynote Speech/Discussion – “The modern era, the challenges and the pedagogical role of teachers”, Alexandros Kopsis, General Secretary of Primary & Secondary Education, Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs

 SATURDAY 12/6/2021

09:30 – 11:00  e-round table: “Culture, Education, Diversity: Trends and Prospects for a School of Inclusion”

Presentations / guest speakers:

Moderator: Dona Papastylianou, Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, NKUA.

“Diversity as a right to education”, Angelos Vallianatos, Teacher Trainer in Intercultural Education

“Theater and Inclusion: The Dynamics of Narratives”, Clio Fanouraki, Assistant Professor Dept. Theatrical Studies, NKUA

“Inclusion in the Greek school: only theory or practice too?”, Gelly Aroni, Head of the Unit for Integration and Support of Unaccompanied Minors at the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors at the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum

“Speaking about religions and cultures of the world in the modern school” Angeliki Ziaka, Associate Professor of Religion, Department of Theology, AUTh

Break 11:00 – 11:15

11:15 – 12:45   e-round table “School community and learning: design, development, relationships, management”

Presentations / guest speakers:

Moderator: George Papakonstantinou, Professor of Administration and Economics of Education, NKUA

“Multiple ways to explore relationships within the school community”, Lida Anagnostaki, Assistant. Professor of Psychology, Dpt of Early Childhood Education, NKUA

“Democracy and Participation in the classroom: lessons in the post-Covid era”, Manos Pavlakis, PhD Adult Education

“Workshops of competences/skills and inclusive school community”, Doretta Asteri, Advisor A’ of Special Education of the Special Education Unit of the Institute of the Educational Policy

“Search for meaning in the modern school and meta-skills of the principal-leader”, Evangelia Papaloi, PhD Education-Social / Organizational Psychology

Break 12:45 – 13:00

 13:00 – 14:30  e-round table “Democratic Citizenship and Competence for Democratic Culture: Teaching, Governance, Intervention – Step UP DC”

Presentations / guest speakers:

Moderator: Michalis Kakos, Reader in Education at Leeds Beckett University, UK and Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Childhood, Education and Society (CIRCES)

“Democracy and socio-economic inequalities in education” George Papakonstantinou, Professor of Administration and Economics of Education, NKUA

“Democratic Pedagogy and active Citizenship. The role of collaborative learning practices. ” – Despina Karakatsani, Professor of Educational Sciences, University of Peloponnese

“Teaching democratic culture in primary education” – Panagiotis Angelidis, Dean & Professor of Intercultural Education, University of Nicosia and Christina Chatzisotiriou, Associate Professor of Intercultural Education, University of Nicosia.

“Teacher education and democratic citizenship: practices and perspectives from the experience of the STEP UP-DC program” Marios Koukounaras Liagkis, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Religious Education, NKUA.

Break 14:30-15:00 

15:00-18:00 “Workshop on Competences for Democratic Culture and teaching methodology” 

Marios Koukounaras Liagkis, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Religious Education, NKUA, Iro Potamousi, PhD cndt. Univ. Aegean – Trainer and Expert of EWC, Gelly Aroni, Head of the Unit for Integration and Support of Unaccompanied Minors at the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors at the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum – Trainer and Expert of EWC and Angelos Vallianatos, Teacher Trainer in Intercultural Education – Trainer and Expert of EWC.

Participants will be briefed on the “Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture” and will investigate how students, education and society can benefit from applying the framework to the teaching practice at school. The workshop will focus on the teaching methodology and practices of the STEP UP-DC project, which provides for open educational materials and a certification process for teachers’ competence to teach democratic culture.
